European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) Deputy Executive Director for Standing Corps Management visiting Estonia to explore border guard learning opportunities in Estonia

From today until 26 April, the Deputy Executive Director of Frontex together with officials will visit Estonia to learn about the possibilities of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences in offering study and development activities in the field of border management and to discuss the expansion of cooperation in the future. The visit is jointly organised by the Academy of Security Sciences, the Police and Border Guard Board and the Ministry of the Interior.


Academic journal Proceedings of EASS is waiting for manuscripts

The editorial board of the English-language annual academic journal Proceedings of  Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, which is published once a year, is once again waiting for the manuscripts of articles for the new issue!

The 22nd  issue will be published at the end of 2023, this time focusing to the new challenges and obstacles in the field of internal security that appeared against the background of the Ukrainian war.

The subtitle of the next number is "New challenges for internal security on the backround of war in Ukraine“.


21st issue of „Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences“ focuses on changed security architecture

Current 21st issue of the scientific magazine „Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Security Sciences“ focuses on researches of changed global security architecture, including Estonian professionals’ attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge about issues regarding child sexual abuse;

indicators for the effectiveness of traffic law enforcement; Chinese geo-economics and strategic interests in the Mediterranean region; legislation on combatting terrorism in the Republic of Poland, geospatial crisis index and use of mass data in the Hungarian Defence Forces in the future.


Training on "Hybrid threats and models of their appearance" covered topics with global and EU developments concerning hybrid threats 

On November 7, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences internal security institute started training on "Hybrid threats and models of their appearance" as part of the Erasmus+ funded project HYBRIDC. The training took place in a hybrid form with a total of 130 participants.

It  covered topics that dealt in depth with global and EU developments concerning hybrid threats in a world that has changed drastically over the past year, where Russia's hybrid aggression against Ukraine, Europe and the USA continues.


Training „Hybrid threats and models of their appearance“

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS) in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Lithuania and Police Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of Croatia submitted Erasmus+ application for the development of an international Master level Curriculum on Tackling Hybrid Threats. Project HYBRIDC is a 3 years project that starts with the general training on hybrid threats and the models of their appearance in Autumn 2022.  

Training „Hybrid threats and models of their appearance“

Project HYBRIDC will start!

At the beginning of the year, the Internal Security Institute submitted an Erasmus+ project application in the area of higher education cooperation. The aim was to get funding for the Master’s Curriculum specialising in fighting international hybrid threats. In July 2022, we received a positive response from the European Commission.

The 3-year joint international project will focus on developing and enhancing the cooperation primarily between higher education researchers and lecturers but also between EU institutions.