Online catalog ESTER
The entire collection of library of the EASS is found in online public access catalogue ESTER.
Searching the catalogue is for free and does not require a log-in.
Bibliography of internal security (sub-database) - ISE
Includes the bibliography of internal security which is supplemented by the Library of the EASS and that contains articles from newspapers, journals and different collections about internal security (including policing, rescue, borderguard, taxatation etc).
Digiriiul offers information about e-materials of EASS like e-journals, e-learning tools, e-books, students' graduation and master's theses, applied research, proceedings of the EASS.
License databases
- EBSCOHost Web - EBSCO is the world’s leading information agent providing consultative services and cutting-edge technology for managing and accessing quality content, including print and e-journals, e-packages, research databases, e-books and more.
- SAGE Journals Online - SAGE is the world’s largest independent academic publisher and is committed to global dissemination of research.
NB! Licensed databases can be accessed only in the academy network!