Programme 2025

Day 1, TUESDAY, 4th March

* Please note that the programme is in local time (EEST)


Arrival, registration

10.00- 10.15 

Welcome and opening. 

Katri Raik, Mayor of Narva

Anu Noorma, Estonian Research Council, Director- General

Janek Mägi, Estonian Ministry of Interior, Head of the Border Guard and Migration Policy Department

10.15- 10.35

Civil security wider context: challenges and opportunities.  
Giulio Maria Mancini, DG HOME, European Commission

10.35- 10.55

Future-proofing EU borders. 
Uku Särekanno, Deputy Executive Director, Frontex


Key technological enablers towards borderless management: eu-LISA's perspective.        Javier Galbally, Research and Innovation officer, eu-LISA

11.15- 11.35

Break, coffee 

11.35- 11.55

Smart boots on the ground: Innovation, Education and Research for future Border Management. 
Kuno Tammearu, rector, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS)

11.55- 12.20

Border in Estonia: situation and challenges. 
Eve Kalmus, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board (PBGB), Head of Border Management Bureau 



13.00- 15.30

Insight Rotation Sessions 30+5 minutes each

1. Proactive and capability-driven security sciences in geopolitical uncertainty

Raul Savimaa, EASS, Head of Research Centre of Internal Security Institute

2. Trends in using UAS in border surveillance, countermeasures and challenges

Aleksandr Lind, PBGB, Border Management Department, Head of Surveillance Group

Andrus Padar, EASS, C-UAS expert of Remote Sensing Research and Development Centre

3. Including R&D in Border Management

Rainer Bachman, PBGB, Border Management Bureau, development expert

Aleksander Raketski, EASS, chief officer


Break, coffee


Panel Discussion

Veiko Kommusaar, Deputy Director General for Border Management, EPBGB

Darek Saunders, Head of Research and Innovation Unit, Frontex

Indrek Reimand, Director, Tartu University Narva College

moderated by Lauri Teppo, Estonian Research Council civil security NCP


Reception and light dinner with drinks


DAY 2, WEDNESDAY, 5th March


Arrival, coffee, refreshements


Opening remarks


Situational awareness in the border area. 
Vahur Kotkas, Tallinn University of Technology 


Demonstrations of products

Defsecintel Solutions

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences R&D

Estonian University of Life Sciences

European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services

Falconers OÜ

HexTech Solutions

Lindante OÜ

Rantelon OÜ

SEC Technologies, s.r.o.


TalTech Embedded AI Research Lab

TrackDeep OÜ


Break, coffee


Networking: speed- dating opportunities




Civil security work- programme 2025

13.30- 14.00

Panel Discussion moderated by Lauri Teppo, 
Estonian Research Council civil security NCP.


Closing remarks.


The organisers reserve the right to make any necessary changes to the programme