Research and development for border management


Borders and border management are increasingly important topics for the Europe. The need for research and development activities in these domains is growing. Since September 2023, the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS) has been implementing the project supported by Frontex focusing on the application of unmanned aircraft systems for border management. The EASS has also initiated the development of the Border Management Advancement Hub in Narva to interlink better practice, research, innovation and teaching experiences. 

15th of August 2024 at 10.30-16.00 the EASS is organising an inspiration day in Narva Study Centre that aims to introduce the results of the project and to discuss on the needs and opportunities for research and development initiatives in border management. The goal is also networking development for future cooperation.


Registration is open until 1.08 at 17.00.

The participants of the day are practitioners and leaders of border management, partner institutions, HEIs and organisations connected with R&D in public and private sector. 

Welcome to the event!

Contact for information: 
Aleksander Raketski
aleksander.raketski [at]