Register now for the free Estonian language courses in the EASS

Starting from February 2019, the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences will be running free Estonian language courses for people applying for Estonian citizenship. The registration is now open.
According to the advisor at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, there are already Estonian language courses for different target groups offered by different ministries but now the range of possibilities for learning Estonian becomes even wider for those wanting to acquire Estonian citizenship. "Applying for Estonian citizenship should not be hindered by problems related to paying for a language course or finding time for the courses while working. The purpose and value of the programme lies in helping to overcome these issues," she said.
From the beginning of 2019, the state offers an opportunity for people who have lived in Estonia legally for at least five years and are otherwise eligible for the citizenship to enter into a language instruction agreement. The first two language courses open in February, one in Tallinn and the other one in Narva, for maximum 32 people. Additional courses will open in the future depending on the number of applications.
The language instruction agreement allows one-time language instruction from total beginner to level B1. A person participating in the language course according to the language instruction agreement and taking unpaid study leave will be paid a compensation for 20 working days pursuant to their average salary. The maximum level of the compensation calculation will be the annual average gross salary in Estonia. The contract is considered as completed when the person has submitted his/her application for Estonian citizenship to the Police and Border Guard Board. This means that the person who has signed the language instruction agreement takes the responsibility to attend free language instruction until the achievement of B1 level language skills and to apply for Estonian citizenship within one year after passing Estonian language exam on level B1.
Before entering the agreement, the language level of the person is assessed and the applicant may only participate in the courses they need to reach B1 level. Language instruction is organised by the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.
Info and registration:
Contact: Jana Kondrašova; Advisor at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences; jana.kondrasova [at]; +372 5511 638