UN disaster team training at the Rescue College was a success

United Nations top specialists succeeded in passing the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination refresher course for teams (UNDAC Refresher Course) conducted at the Rescue College of the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences.
«The course went very well both for the organisers and participants. Everything went smoothly and feedback on the content and organisation was very positive,» said Vadim Ivanov, deputy director of the Rescue College.
The course had been built into a made-up country called Klanndestan, and it focused on a flooding-related disaster. The UN experts had to map the extent of it in a disaster situation, assess the damages and the need for help, but also coordinate international help in the country. The aims of the course were to practice more efficient responding to potential disaster situations and to increase the experts’ capability to fulfil the set tasks. From the standpoints of the members of UNDAC and the UNDAC support team, both aims were achieved.
«The course was an excellent opportunity for us to work and study in cooperation with our international partners. We hope that in the future such cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continues and there could be more similar trainings be brought to Estonia. We must admit that such events also help to introduce the Academy and our country, and of course, to gain new knowledge,» Ivanov added.
The refresher course with 70 participants from seven international organisations and 17 different countries was held from 26 to 31 August 2018. This course was financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the development and humanitarian aid funds.